207 KB
Gas solubility measurement and modeling for methane–water and methane–ethane–n-butane–water systems at low temperature conditions.pdf
1,149 KB
Investigation of gas properties, design, and operational parameters on hydrodynamic characteristics, mass transfer, and biomass production from natural gas in an external airlift loop bioreactor.pdf
577 KB
Production of soluble methane monooxygenase during growth of Methylosinus trichosporium on methanol.pdf
669 KB
Soluble methane monooxygenase - activation of dioxygen and methane.pdf
377 KB
Study of geometry and operational conditions on mixing time, gas hold up, mass transfer, flow regime and biomass production from natural gas in a horizontal tubular loop bioreactor.pdf
695 KB
a thermodynamic model for calculating methane solubility, density and gas phase composition of methane-bearing aqueous fluids from 273 to 523 k and from 1 to 2000 bar.pdf
174 KB
corrigendum to solubility measurement and modeling of water in the gas phase of methane-water binary system at temperatures from 2834 to 318 k and pressures up to 34,5 mpa.pdf
787 KB
dissolution of methane in water at low temperatures and intermediate pressures.pdf
279 KB
methane solubilities in multisalt solutions.pdf
226 KB
solubility and local structure around a dilute solute molecule in an aqueous solvent - from gases to biomolecules.pdf
165 KB
solubility of methane in water and in a medium for the cultivation.pdf