966 KB
1-16 Elbow Function.ppt
1,360 KB
1-17 Hip Function.pptx
362 KB
1-18 Knee Function.pptx
930 KB
1-20 Wrist Function.pptx
3,299 KB
1-22 brachial plexus.pptx
50 KB
2-10 Lower limb function losses.pptx
1,032 KB
2-11 Hernia.pptx
4,171 KB
2-13 A of abdomen.pptx
37 KB
2-14 Mouth.pptx
2,413 KB
2-15 Trigeminal n.pptx
525 KB
2-17 muscle of mastication.pptx
288 KB
2-2 brachial plexus major n.pptx
1,079 KB
2-3 brachial plexus injuries winged scapula & waiter's tip.pptx
1,551 KB
2-4 brachial plexus injuries wrist drop&claw hand.pptx
83 KB
2-6 Digest pathway.pptx
211 KB
2-7 Intra & Retroperitoneal Structures.pptx
251 KB
2-8 The pectinate line.pptx
1,111 KB
2-9 Layers.pptx
50 KB
7-03 RNA.ppt
326 KB
7-04 nucleotides and nucleosides.ppt