Hi hi ^¬^)°!!!... well, I really hope you enjoy my stuff °(^¬^)°...
I have just 2 request for my files, and are really easy to follow it owO:
Link me n_n . If you have your own website, place a link for my web ^v^... and e-mail me your URL if you have interesting stuff, right right ^^???, I think the Internet must be a place for us the users n,n...
No profit with my files owO. At this moment I really no looking for gold profit (May be later n.n), my work is free for enjoy of you ^w^P, OK *w*???...
Remember to visit my web (Scroll down), I wait for your visit *w*...
Comment me if you likes my work or if not likes it, say me why not owO (Scroll down too n.n)...
Any question you can e-mail me ^v^ (Oh yep!, scroll down to see my e-mail too =w=)...
I wish you a happy download and that you back later w ...
All my files Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0 Unported License owO (Exception of fan-works, where all rights are property of corresponding companies n_n)...
My Shared Folders
Wallpapers from my second website, (Server passed out TT) and the URL isn't more valid, but next probably I reopen on other server___ Ah!, this wallpapers are from website mascot ^^___
2 MB | |
Wallpapers from my second website, (Server passed out TT) and the URL isn't more valid, but next probably I reopen on other server___
1 MB | |
Japanese junior idol wallpapers
My japanese junior idol wallpapers ^¬^, is a fan-work ^_^, Right *w*?...
42 MB | |
Idol wallpapers
My japanese idol wallpapers ^¬^, is a fan-work ^_^, Right *w*?...
1 MB | |
Well; these songs aren't mine n_n, but I made some arrangements and I place it here owO, then are a fanwork, right right n,n???
0 B |
My Cool Stuff
Wallpapers from my second website, (Server passed out TT) and the URL isn't more valid, but next probably I reopen on other server___ Ah!, this wallpapers are from website mascot ^^___
Wallpapers from my second website, (Server passed out TT) and the URL isn't more valid, but next probably I reopen on other server___