the jefe
the jefe
joined 13 anos atrás | Colombia Colombia
hola atodos mi segidores espero que les guste mi publisidad li title="240 × 88 pixels" class="selected hovered" div class="selection selected" style="height: 14px; " /div span class="highlight" span class="webkit-html-tag" span class="webkit-html-tag-name" img /span span class="webkit-html-attribute" span class="webkit-html-attribute-name" alt /span span class="webkit-html-attribute-value" /span /span span class="webkit-html-attribute" span class="webkit-html-attribute-name" src /span =​" a target='_blank' href="" class="webkit-html-attribute-value webkit-html-resource-link" title="" http:​/​/​​pic/​r/​rastachat/​ent.jpeg /a " /span /span ​ /span /li
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