Usage Guidelines
4shared welcomes users, media and other entities to use our logos, as needed. You can also use our logos for personal use (We love the tattoos!:). Please host the images you need on your site without hotlinking. However, keep in mind that usage of our logos must follow the common guidelines listed below.
- Use only the official logos downloaded here.
- Make sure you portray our service in the positive light only. The logo may not be used in a manner that would disparage 4shared or its products or services. Just because a friend of your asks you to chop your head off, should you do it? OK, don’t answer that. We also kindly ask that you don’t do anything loco with the 4shared logo. That’s right, no loco logos, no matter how fun it is to say.
- You may not change spacing, alignment, or relative locations of the design elements. Do not obscure or hide parts of the logo - we like it how it is! Any scaling must retain the original proportions of the logo.
- You may not incorporate the logo(s) into any other logo or design. In other words, you may not use the logo(s) in a way that suggests that you or your company or products are affiliated with 4shared or its products or services in any way.
- Additional text may not be added in such a way that it appears to be part of the logo itself.
- Don't use 4shared logos on anything that is intended to be sold or on any commercial site or application.
- Please don't use 4shared name as a part of your service, site, product or company name. Don't use 4shared logo or incorporate it into yours. Don't use a domain name containing "4shared" or any confusingly similar words.
4shared reserves the right in its sole discretion to terminate or modify permission to display the logo, and may ask third parties to modify or delete any use of the logo that, in our sole judgment, does not comply with these guidelines, or might otherwise impair rights of 4shared in the logo. Moreover, 4shared also reserves the right to object to unfair uses or misuses of its trademarks or other violations of the applicable law.
Contact us if you need higher resolutions than those provided here.